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Why Invest and How We Work 

Nothing can compete online with a well-told story in video format. The statistics don’t lie: four times as many people would rather watch a video about a product or service than read about it. Video is the most engaging form of online content across all social media channels. Online Americans are exposed to more than 100,000 digital words daily—and 92 percent of these consumers would prefer to consume those words in storytelling form. Moreover, social video storytelling was the most popular brand content in 2018 and remains poised to top the list again in 2019.

For fundraisers or business marketers, a compelling video is a critical way to incite action. This powerful tool cuts through noise and clutter, grabs attention, and can showcase your impact in a way that deepens your connection with current and potential donors or customers.


In fact, a recent Google study has found that 57 percent of people who watch a video go on to make a donation. Yes, you read that right—over half!

So now that that's clear here is how we work. There are a lot of pieces involved in developing compelling media content. These are the 5 STEPs we follow which begin with your initial media needs and end with submission of our final media product:

Step 1

Pre Production

Laying the right groundwork is essential to developing great media content. Pre-production is where we figure out the best game plan for your organization/enterprise. We decide on the video concept, the look/feel and style, we write the script, cast any actors, decide on location and set design and lock down all the other details involved with how the actual video is going to look, sound and perform. 

Step 2


We're rolling! Now that we have the road map developed in the pre-production stage, it's time to put it all together in from t of the cameras. This is where our team, director of photography/camera operator, sound engineer and lighting techs do what they do best- film a great video. 


Step 3

Post Production

Our editorial post-production team kicks in to shape your story, handle color correction, record any voice overs, clean up the audio, add music and subtitles to bridge the language gaps and create graphics and in general make sure your video looks like we planned in pre-production. 


Step 4

Final revisions

Once you've seen the first cut, you'll have a chance to share your thoughts with us. There is one round of revisions allowed at this stage, within reasonable expectations and within the scope of the original video concept. 


Step 5


With the final cut complete and your approval signed-off, we create high quality files of your video that can be used for a variety of formats, be it for the web, trade shows or television. 

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